All new users will be added by the admin in your project. When an admin has added a user, that person will receive an email. This can take up to 5 minutes.
1. Open your email and follow the link

Follow the link in this email. If you can’t find the email from StreamBIM in your inbox, please check out the article: I haven’t received any confirmation email.
2 Type in your profile information
This link will take you to a site where you’ll need to enter your profile information, such as name, company, phone number etc. in addition to creating a password. Click «Confirm» when you’re done.
3. Open your project
After you have confirmed your profile information, a list of available projects will be shown. This list will only include one beside of the «Demo project», if you’re not invited to several projects. Click the name for your project to open it.
4. Project is open
Your user is now active in the project, and you can either go through the introduction video on how to navigate, or start using the interface at once.