When you upgrade a project to use Capture Pro you can create personal notes and send messages to the rest of the project, just like in the Basic version. Project administrators can define workflows such as for documentation and deviations within Capture Pro, and make these available for one or more groups, or all users in the project. You can assign a title for topics in workflows and associate each topic with one or more labels in the same way you handle descriptions, attachments, positions, and links to objects in the model.
You can also set a due date and assign responsibility for the topic to a group or user. Fields in topics within the same workflow are initially empty, or pre-populated with specific values. All topics default to "open" status when they are created, and workflow determines which groups can resolve and close them.
Anyone with access to topics in any workflow will be able to view changes to the topics, see the author of the change, and when the change was logged.
Navigate to a position in the building on the map and/or in 3D.
When you create a topic, select a workflow to place the topic in.
If an object is selected and you want a topic to be directly related to it, you can create the topic like this:
If you want to create a topic somewhere else in the model, and you wish to add a connection with an existing topic select "add current viewpoint."
See below for a view of how the topic will appear with more positions, and you can now easily add even more.