1. Download the app “StreamBIM” from App Store or Google Play
On phones and tablets you have access to StreamBIM by downloading the app from App Store or Google Play (Jump directly to the next step if you are on a PC).
Open the app and click “Create a new project”.
If it does not look like the the image above when you open the app, that means that you have already been logged in at leat once on this app. Then you can continue by logging in, or you can click the "Create new project” button just below the login form.
2. Go to the «Create a new project» form
I you are on a PC, go the the «Create new project» form by following this link: https://streambim.com/free-trial-basic-english/.
If you are on a phone or tablet, you should have been taken to the form by following step 1.
Fill in the form and click “Send”:
After submitting the form, you will receive an email from support@rendra.io.
3. Open the email you have received, and click the button «Click here to activate your project»
You will receive an email that looks like this. Click the button «Click here to activate your project». If you don't receive an email, please read the article I haven’t received any confirmation email – What should I do?
4. Create a password for your account
When StreamBIM opened after you have clicked the link in the email, you will be asked to create a password for your account. Type a password with more than six characters, then press the “Submit” button.
5. Confirm your profile
Complete your profile information, then click “Submit”. The project will now be started for you, which can take a couple of minutes.
6. Upload and process your first IFC files
If you are on a phone, you need to rotate the device to landscape position to begin uploading and processing your IFC files:
Then click the button to enter the StreamBIM (admin) panel for uploading and processing IFC.
From here you click «Add IFC files». Upload the files you want. After upload the files will have the status «Uploaded and ready for processing»:
When you have added all the files you want, click “Process changes”. Then select the discipline model that contains storey information and that is suited as a footprint for navigation (often the architecture model), then click “Confirm”:
Now the processing of your files will begin. The process can last from minutes to hours, depending on the complexity of your files.
7. Begin exploring your model
When the processing is finished, you have access to explore your model by exiting the StreamBIM (admin) panel (click the button). Double click the map to access the 3D model:
See the articles on “Basic use” to get a good introduction on how to get started with StreamBIM.