The first upload
When you have created your first StreamBIM project it's quite simple to upload and process your first BIM files. Just follow the instructions on the screen:
NOTE: It is only ifc files that can be uploaded to the 3D view in StreamBIM. Usually this is either an export option or a simple "save as" from your BIM authoring tools.
New revisions
When new revisions of a published ifc model is uploaded you will be asked if you want to publish the revision in the 3D view.
If the file is identified as a new revision (same file name) it will be stated in the file status
Hit Begin upload, and you will be asked if you want to process the new revision
Yes - StreamBIM will start processing the new revision immediately
No - The file will be "ready for processing" in the 3D streaming admin
Review changes - Will take you to the 3D streaming admin where you can review new files/revisions, layers etc. before processing.