In StreamBIM we create a 2D footprint(*) of the floor or building storey, and use that as a navigation map. The user defines the model layer to use, but it will usually be a footprint of the Architectural model.
* By footprint we mean a projection of the IfcBuildingStorey
The autogenerated 2D map is usually sufficient, but you have the option to use an (architect) drawing as a 2D map for navigation so that you get colours, axes, and different "tags" in the navigation window.
In order to find and select the floors (accessible by project administrators only), you must first expand 3D streaming and then select "floors."
Here you get an overview of all the floors that were imported from the source Ifc-files used in the last processing. You can also unselect certain floors if they are not needed.
The next step is to click on "Add" to add a pdf drawing to be linked to different floors.
After the drawing is selected, place the calibration markers at the same axes in the model reference and the floor plan.
Once the first drawing has been laid out for one floor, you can add more drawings for the same floor. This can be an advantage for users from different disciplines so that they can easily reference their drawings on the 2D map.
Another way to set up multiple floor plans is to find the drawing in documents in StreamBIM, right-click and select "calibrate to floor."
After several drawings have been set up for one floor, you can easily switch what you want to see in the 2D map by opening the 2D map in full-screen view.