Use the quick measure tool to easily measure the dimensions of objects in the 3D model. The tool measures from the contact point outwards in all directions. As soon as the measuring tool is activated, it shows global height and displays measurement values.
The example below shows quick measurement of the size of the window pane.
This next example shows the tool measuring several dimensions, first from the floor to bottom of the socket, then from the top of the socket to the bottom of the switch, and finally from the edge of the wall to the side edge of the outlet.
The measuring tool also recognizes circular objects such as pipes, ventilation ducts, and more. Easily measure from the center of the pipe by placing the measuring cross on the pipe.
In the example below, the tool measures from the center of the ventilation duct down to the suspended ceiling, up to the roof, to the wall on the left side, and to the center of the pipe to the right side. For an immediate second measurement, the target is moved from the nearest ventilation duct to a second ventilation duct further away.