To import BCF to StreamBIM select Capture, end expand view
Choose "List view" (1) and the workflow (2) you want to import bcf to, in the example below I have created a workflow called "Project_Inbox" and selected this. Then open the import/export menu (3) and choose import BCF.
In the next step you will enter the "Import BCF wizard". In this example I have chosen a bcfzip file from Solibri Model Checker with 5 issues. I have previously imported 4 of them whereof one have been altered.
On the left hand side you will see all issues included in the bcfzip file in the list view (1). StreamBIM identifies if the issue has been imported before and gives each topic a status. The 3 possible statuses are:
- "Topic" - New topic in StreamBIM
- "Comment" - The issue has been imported before, but there has been a change to the topic. You are asked if you want to import the change as a new comment.
- "No changes" - The issue has been imported before, no change to the topic is detected. Usually no need to re-import.
In the BCF import wizard you are asked to either Publish (2) or Discard (3) each topic.
Press Cancel to exit the wizard.
In the process of Publishing or discarding, you can also assign the issue to the relevant personell/group and set due date.
After import issues can be moved to other workflows, e.g. if you have a workflow for design issues. Move the issue, and then assign to relevant personell/group.