Checklists can be created by clicking on the + icon as below:
Here is an example of what a checklist might look like. To create subfolders for your checklists, add "/" to the name, which you may want to do if you intend to create multiple checklists. In the example below, "ELEC" will end up under the "QA" folder.
Then select where the checklist is to be assigned.
- A checklist can be created per room, either in all rooms in the model or in selected rooms.
- By selecting "storey", the checklist will be added to all the storeys in the model.
- You can also select "Custom" and then you will be able to search for objects in the model and assign the checklist to these.
- The checklists can also be repeated, if the same checklist is to be filled in several times.
- Workflow can be selected so that topics created on checklist items that cannot be completed, automatically end up in the selected workflow.
Next choose which groups will be permitted to see the status and fill out the checklist items.
You can create checklist items by clicking on the +.
- 次に、チェックリストをどこに割り当てるかを選択します。
- チェックリストは部屋ごとに作成することができ、モデル内のすべての部屋、または選択された部屋のいずれかに作成することができます。
- storey "を選択すると、モデル内のすべての階にチェックリストが追加されます。
- また、「カスタム」を選択すると、モデル内のオブジェクトを検索して、これらにチェックリストを割り当てることができます。
- また、同じチェックリストを何度も記入する場合は、チェックリストを繰り返すことができます。
- ワークフローを選択すると、完了できないチェックリスト項目で作成されたトピックは、選択したワークフローに自動的に登録されます。
After you create a checklist item, you can add a title, and a description, and select the control method for the item (visual or measurement).
You can choose between multiple different ways in which the checklist item is to be checked out.
You can also choose to require a comment and/or a photo before the user is permitted to check out the item.
This checklist contains a checklist item with each of the different filling methods:
It is also possible to add a checklist item that depends on a sub item which will appear when the main item is checked out.
See below for a view of checklists that are organized into folders.