Our new TAKT Planning Module lets you use StreamBIM for model-based production planning and progress monitoring. Based on the principles of LEAN Construction, the TAKT Module can help you reduce construction time, use your manpower more efficiently and minimize errors.
The principle is that of the conveyor belt, except that whereas in the factory the product moves throughout the building and the workers are stationary, on a construction site the building is stationary and the workers move around in a 'train.'
First, you divide the building into production zones that contain a certain amount of work (usually about a week's worth) for all the different disciplines. E.g an apartment or a part of a corridor. Each discipline or work team make up a 'wagon' that has a certain scope (or work package) to complete during the week in the current zone, and the sequence of the disciplines/work teams make up a 'train.'
At the end of the week, the team leader will approve the current zone for handover to the next team and accept handover of the next zone, then perform the same job there over the following week. Doing the same work in a limited area repeatedly tends to make the work go faster with every iteration, and it is easier to maintain quality control due to the limited scope. By having a set group work in one particular zone every week reduces conflicts and interference from other disciplines or workers, making for a more effective construction site.
The TAKT Module connects the wagon to checklists and workflows in Capture, so project/site management will have a real time overview over if progress is according to plan or if there are delays, as well as what issues are holding up the process. Push notifications will inform all stakeholders of issues and ensure progress.
The plan and the current state is available in the TAKT plan window as well as showing graphically in the 2D and 3D view.
Note: More detailed information is available for signed-in users and administrators.