The Takt planning module in StreamBIM uses IFC spaces with a dedicated takt Pset (TAKT) on the space objects. You can either use the IFCspace in your BIM (usually on the architect's model), or create a separate takt model containing only the IFC takt area spaces.
Alternatively, you can create StreamBIM zones directly within the StreamBIM application. For detailed instructions, please refer to the guide: Creating and Managing Zones.
You can link a checklist to your takt plan by either creating a new one or selecting an existing checklist. For detailed instructions, please consult the guide. create a checklist.
1. Takt Pset properties
The Takt Pset needs to contain these properties:
Train Name(tog).
The train defines the type of production required in the zones it will travel through)
Sequence (Rekkefølge).
The sequence that the train wagons produce in the Takt zones
Name of takt zone (Navn).
Takt zones are the areas the building has been divided into in order to achieve takt production.
Once you have a model containing spaces/zones programmed with these properties, you can start takt planning in StreamBIM.
2. Setting up the taktplan
When Takt has been enabled on your project, you will see the TAKT tab on the left side of the StreamBIM frame. If you do not see this tab and believe it should be enabled, please contact support for help.
3. Click on Fullscreen view
When you enter the takt tab, you will see a list of previously created trains
If it's your first visit, you will see the message: "No trains created yet."
To create a train, expand the Takt tab to full screen.
4. To start, click on New Train
This is where you build your taktplans using trains and wagon, view train progress, monitor
handover of wagons and make adjustments.
5. New train dialogue box
Give the train a name. Usually trains are named according to the type of production
to be executed in the zones it will “travelling” through.
Set the start date of the train.
Give the train a colour. This will make the train easy to identify in the timeline and the
2D viewer.
Decide the duration of wagons in the train.
Pick working days
Decide wheter to ignore breaks or not
Type the the value of the property “tog” in the field TRAIN NAME IN IFC.
Existing wagons are listed here
Start adding wagons in the order of production of your train. For example:
a. Carpenter
b. Electritian
c. Carpenter
d. Plumber
e. Painter
Adding an empty wagon puts in a takt period of slack (for example 1 week) into the
6. Click on + Add wagon
7. Add wagon dialogue
Give the wagon a name. We recommend a name that is recognisable from the first
three letters
Add a description of the wagon (optional)
Define workflow for issues delaying handover of area to next wagon
Define workflow for issues hindering acceptance of area by next wagon
Give the wagon a colour. This colour visually identifies the wagon in the takt timeline
Define the wagon superviser. The supervisor’s role is to handover the wagon at the
end of the takt period and to accept takt areas from the previous wagon.
You can add a checklist to manage and document the tasks to be completed by the
wagon during the takt period. This is also optional.
8. Click on OK on wagon dialogue
9. Click on Create on New train dialogue box
10. MainTrain Created
Once you have created a train and added some wagons, your takt timeline will start to look
like this.
In the timeline view you can:
Search for train name/area/wagon
View the trains and wagons by
a. Wagon colour
b. Wagon status
Choose to show all wagons, or just the one currently being worked on.
Create more trains
Add breaks, for example vacations and other times when the site will be inactive.
Edit a train:
a. Add new wagons
b. Add empty wagons
c. Change order of wagons
d. Edit wagons.
Click on a takt zone name to see the zone in 2D or 3D.
Click on wagon to see it’s status in that zone.