The Topics filter in capture enables filtering based on workflows used, location of the topic, groups or persons involved, status or labels, date created or due date.
The topics filter can be found in the upper left corner in Capture
When selecting the filter, the filters will be displayed in Capture, with the resulting topics in the background. A short introduction to the different filters
- Workflows defined in the current project. In the example above, there is only one workflow available for the current user, "Workflow example".
- Topic (Legacy) is a grouping of topics created from what was previously called "templates" or "Workflow Templates". For further information see here
- Messages is all notes and shared conversations (with @project) using the Basic functionality of Capture
- My personal notes (bookmarks)
- @Project is conversations shared with @Project
- Custom filters
- Floor - Topics filtered per floor in the project
- Status - Filter per topic status
- Labels - Filer by applied labels
- Space - Filter topics located in Spaces. This could be within a room or by an area exported as an IfcSpace. E.g. within an apartment, production zone or other.
- Created - Filter for topics created based on creation date
- Due date - Filter for topics based on the topics due date
- Results - By using one or more of these filters the result will be shown in the background, so to see the resulting topics,click the field between the 3D view and the filter. The filter will then minimize, and list of topics be displayed.
Capture - full screen view
You will find the same filtering available if you go to the full screen view in Capture by clicking